
serene sunday

Are you taking some time to yourself this weekend? Some time that's not filled up with to-do's?

The man set off early this morning, to play bagpipes at the air base in honour of the Battle of Britain. So I have the house to myself. One of the advantages of a close and vital long term partnership is this: I know that he knows that I hold him in an aura of unconditional support, without my actually having to stand on hot tarmac listening to bagpipes, or even having to know what the Battle of Britain was.

Phew! So instead I'm having a serene solo sunday. I tidied up the livingroom, lit candles, put a few more pink lilies here and there, then tuned the internet radio to soothing spa music (I know, but I like it, don't judge.)

I put on a soft cotton dress and leggings, fluffed up the pillows, made tea, and I'm very happily ensconced here in my easy chair with laptop, planner, journal, and books. For me, this is delicious. Uninterrupted hours of reading and writing. Later on I'll do some yoga, take a walk, and catch up on a few things in the studio, but for now I'm happy.

What can you do today that would feel delicious and restful? Can you do it?
P.S. We are already having a lot of fun over at the Artful Life eCourse, which just launched yesterday. It's not too late to jump in - I'm leaving registration open for a couple more days. I'd love to see you there!

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