
a change of perspective

Yesterday we traveled to Hornby, our sister island, with some friends for a private tour of the Jeffrey Rubinoff Sculpture Park.  The artist himself led the tour, and from the moment we arrived in the parking lot and he greeted us, we were carried away into another world, an intersection not only of ideas and objects, but of geological and evolutionary time, light and shadow, history, metaphysics, and art.

I think the times when we most feel that we "can't afford" to get away are when we most need to refresh ourselves with different perspectives. With my own show opening in less than a month, and an abundance of orders and commissions, I really felt I couldn't take a morning away from the studio.

But I went. And in the space of a few hours, I had an experience that refreshed my spirit, opened a great spaciousness in my mind, and showed me things that actually changed the way I look at the world. This is the very best of what an "artist's date" can do.

Will you go somewhere or do something out of the ordinary this weekend? Can you share how a change of perspective has helped you lately?

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