
as others see us

These photos came about because of two things that happened yesterday.

One, I was listening to a podcast dharma talk, about practicing metta - lovingkindness - towards ourselves. It was suggested that to do this, we could explore how we might appear in the eyes of someone who loves us very much. If we meditated for just a moment on what it might be like to be them, if we could see, if only for an instant, what they see when they look at us, we might catch a glimpse of our uniquely loveable essence, which otherwise eludes us.

Casting about in my mind for someone who might feel pure lovingkindness towards me, my eyes fell upon my constant companion, Chloe. The pug. Pugs are little masters of metta. They choose you and then their life's work is to LOVE you.

Thing two was stumbling upon the delicious photographs of Vivienne McMaster. I got so excited about her take on self portraiture that I signed up for two of her classes on the spot. So exciting. Then I read her post about shooting with the camera on the floor.

So here I am, on the floor, seeing myself through the eyes of love. Sometimes all we need is a change of perspective.

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