above, scenes from a recent walk. I love the plum greys of sea and sky this time of year, and the vivid green of the moss.
Oh, it is blissfully quiet here this morning! The fire is warm, I can hear that cozy occasional ping-crackle as the iron expands and the wood settles. I'm looking out over the damp meadow, quiet under a lavender sky. My daughter is taking her college entrance exams this morning, which started at the ungodly hour of 7:30 AM. She and my husband had to get up and be ready for the 6:40 ferry. I only felt a little bit guilty putting the pillow over my head until 8! Now I am enjoying a rare Saturday morning alone in the house. I made coffee (organic locally roasted fair trade espresso YUM) in my tiny one cup espresso pot that I bought at the hardware store down the street from my apartment in Florence. (This is actually a big treat, as I rarely drink coffee.) I'm burning Nag Champa. (Also a treat: my husband lived in a yoga centre for 7 years and now cannot abide the smell of incense, and it gives my daughter a headache.) I'm still in my soft fleece robe, and the dog is snoring. In an hour or so I get to go to the first yogadance class of the season. My temperament rarely allows me to experience moments of simple well-being, so I am particularly grateful for the gift and the grace of a moment like this. May you all have a wonderful weekend with many moments of well-being.