
a minor obsession with vintage buttons

image from jane's apron

It developed quickly, and kind of out of the blue. I was brainstorming new jewelry ideas. I asked my daughter, a font of knowledge on all things hip and fashionable, what motifs might be good. "Anchors. Vintage anchors." Okay. Some googling revealed that a great source of vintage anchor imagery is vintage buttons. And of course, one thing led to another.

Three days later...

Me, at computer: Sweetie, come here, do you think I should buy these buttons? (large lot of vintage buttons on e-bay)

Her: Mom. What are you doing?

Me: Seriously, should I buy these ones?

Her: Mom! No!

Me: But... look! I don't have one like this yet...

Her: Mom! How many buttons have you bought?

Me: ....ummm....

Her: MOM!!!

(But it turns out, as you can see below, that I am not the only one that sees the beauty in this lowly object.)


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