
Have You Set Your Goals for October?

I love the clear slanted autumn light that comes in my office window this time of year. You can see it casting shadows of bamboo leaves on to my desk in this picture!

There is a reason I left a lot of white space on my goals page this month.  I want to focus on clarity, completion, and visioning for the future. I want to open up some space in my life by clearing out the stuff that really doesn't belong anymore: the clutter, the busywork, the habits that don't heal me, the work that doesn't inspire me, the people that don't support my dreams. I'm opening to let that stuff go. My desire is to be discriminating, in the best sense - careful, very careful, about the energy I bring in to my life, my home, and my body.

My wise astrologer has said that this time - until early November - is a significant time for visioning and creating the next major (29 year!) cycle in our lives. It's the time to put in place the structures and habits we want to carry in to the next phase - even if we are putting them in place simply by visioning them. It's also very important to let go of anything we do NOT want to carry along with us - take a look and ask, "Do I want to carry this (habit, person, decision, idea) with me for the next 29 years?" If not, let go now!

I know, it's kind of daunting. But I have actually really enjoyed the opportunity for clarity and visioning. I began a journal, dedicated to visioning the next phase, and it's really been a profound exercise, looking at my daily life, my world, my habits and ways, and asking myself, do I want to keep carrying this for 30 years? It makes things really, really clear. And clear is good.

For a start, I've added in my five daily must-have habits, and I've been dedicated to them. Right now they are yoga, meditation, a walk in the forest, a superfood smoothie, and my important supplements. I know that the form of these habits will change over time, but the important thing that I want to carry forward is daily dedication to my spiritual and physical well being - so that every day has a time for spiritual practice, a time for physical practice, some contact with nature, and attention to nurturing my body with what I put into it! Yeah, I want to carry that for 30 years. For sure.

The other big piece this month is building focus and follow-through in my work and home life. HUGE. As a passionate and creative person, I just love to start stuff. I'm brimming with creative ideas, and I want to dig into them all. It's that last 20% that gets tough. Can you relate? And sometimes it's OK. If I never finish that art journal, it's not a big deal. If I fail a work deadline, it is a big deal. So again, what I wish to cultivate is clarity and discrimination. I want to open up a bit of space, maybe put off starting a few things until a few other things are finished, and hold myself gently accountable for finishing up the important stuff and getting the satisifaction of tying a big bow around the completed package. It means a bit of a shift in the rhythm of my days - they seem slower, but the sense of completion and accomplishment could definitely become addictive!

So, a much longer and more personal post than I expected to write. Thanks for being there to read it. I'm honoured that you're interested, and I hope that some of my experiences resonate for you in a way that brings comfort, or sparks something in you that needed to light up in you.

What are you wanting to bring into your October?

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