
how to say yes

Hi Beautiful,
I wanted to share some photos from my weekend, along with
Some Thoughts About Being Open to Adventure.  
My sun sign is Taurus, and as you may know, we are more or less creatures of habit. We do love Experience, especially when it involves the senses, but we often have to be persuaded to try something new.  I am lucky enough to have a dear friend who is willing to continue to propose new adventures to me, despite my predictable initial resistance. "Let's go fishing!" she'll say, or "Would you like to check out the Ballroom Dance Exhibition?" She waits patiently through my  initial grumbled "um-I'm-tired-I-should-work-I-don't-know" response and waits quietly for my "well...o.k." Everyone should have a friend like this. A friend who has bungee jumped in the Alps and eaten raw squid. A friend who is also patient, and coaxing, but insistent. In short, a friend who urges you out of your comfort zone sometimes.

Not that I went VERY far out of my comfort zone for this latest jaunt, but I do tend to turn into a bit of a homebody if left unattended.

Anyway, this weekend, said friend, and her charming 5 year old daughter,  took me to the Carnival. You know, the one with the rusted-but-fabulous ferris wheel, the barn full of prize rabbits and turkeys and cows, and the mini-donut and cotton-candy stands. Soooo...this afternoon, I rode the twirly tea-cups. I watched the Zucchini races. I - almost - petted the goat. I ate mini-donuts. In short,  I had a wonderful afternoon at the fair.

So my word of encouragement to you?

Accept the invitation. Buy the ticket and get on the ride. Say Yes.

p.s. Artful Life ecourse starts in October - and it will be an adventure!!

Journal Prompt
How can I invite more adventure into my life? What do I want to say Yes to?

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