
involuntary retreat

Well, I just spent the week in bed. A very unpleasant flu. One day I hope to become wise enough to transcend this cycle of over-work, over-stress, ignore-self-care, get-sick-to-compensate. One day soon would be good. Along with watching a lot of bad TV, I read this biography of Matisse, which was fascinating, and gave me new and surprising insights into the paintings I love: I also spent time just lying there with the covers up around my ears, admiring these new friends in my bedroom, gorgeous kinetic sculptures by my friend Cynthia Minden:
These were both worthy pursuits, and a week-long retreat at home is great. I'm grateful for the rest, the perspective, the time to be with myself. And next time I want to do it without the fever, coughing, wheezing, and ick. Let me learn from this one!!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Oh man, sounds like a bad one. So sorry you weren't feeling well...


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