
muffin recipe with illustrations

It's a sparkly almost-fall day and I definitely have the urge to bake things and make soup. Savoury scones and potato leek soup are on the menu, but right now my sweetheart is making muffins with zucchini from the farmer's market. Like most of us, I have a notebook where I keep recipes; it's actually a spiral bound sketchbook, and when the mood strikes I do little watercolour illustrations for the recipe I'm recording. It's not a 'precious' book - some recipes are just jotted down, or torn out of magazines and stuck in, but the occasional illustrated ones make it a fun and beautiful journal - including the drips and spots and watermarks on the pages!

An Artful Gift for You:

Here is my basic muffin recipe - it's all-purpose, reliable, and super versatile. I know it's too small to read! if you click here, or on the image, a nice big printable page will open, and you can print this out and add it to your own recipe journal. It's easy to veganize too, just replace the eggs with egg substitute, and the dairy with soy or rice milk or soy yogurt. Enjoy!

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