About the Artful Life Moon Circle:
It's moon circle time again! Here on the Artful Life we meet at each New and Full Moon to share inspiration and intentions, and to align our energies with the lunar cycles. Anyone is welcome to join the Moon Circle! If this is your first Moon Circle, read this post to find out what it's all about. You can also click here for a printable (and pretty) guide to the moon phases, from me to you. If you'd like to read all the Artful Life Moon Circles, click here.
In brief, here's how it works: on each New and Full Moon days, I will be posting my intentions for the coming moon phase. Then I will invite you to leave a comment, with your own intentions and reflections. Writing your intentions and sharing them with others will help keep you accountable to yourself, and you'll have the benefit of all the yummy energy and encouragement from the other artful women in the circle, not to mention the moon magic. In general, the New Moon is a great opportunity for new beginnings and goal setting, so you might want to set an intention for something you want to INCREASE or GROW as the moon waxes. The Full Moon is an opportunity to reflect on this growth, and to set an intention for something you would like to DECREASE or RELEASE from your life as the moon wanes. Questions? E-mail me - bbsimons@telus.net.
In brief, here's how it works: on each New and Full Moon days, I will be posting my intentions for the coming moon phase. Then I will invite you to leave a comment, with your own intentions and reflections. Writing your intentions and sharing them with others will help keep you accountable to yourself, and you'll have the benefit of all the yummy energy and encouragement from the other artful women in the circle, not to mention the moon magic. In general, the New Moon is a great opportunity for new beginnings and goal setting, so you might want to set an intention for something you want to INCREASE or GROW as the moon waxes. The Full Moon is an opportunity to reflect on this growth, and to set an intention for something you would like to DECREASE or RELEASE from your life as the moon wanes. Questions? E-mail me - bbsimons@telus.net.
So welcome to the September New Moon!
What is it that wants to grow in your life over the next month? Where do you need the energy of increase in your life? This New Moon, my keyword is support. A change that I want to invite into my life this month is allowing myself to accept, receive, ask for and recognize support. This Fall I am embarking on a study of Restorative Yoga; eventually I want to integrate this powerful and healing practice into my teaching of dance & creativity. For now I am taking classes and studying. In Restorative Yoga, all poses are supported - literally supported by props, so the body can relax and surrender. This morning in class I had a wonderful AHA moment - about how perfect it is that I should be drawn to this discipline just now in my life - because what I need most is to learn to surrender to the support that is around me. I believe many of us struggle in this way - we value our independence, we cultivate strength, we strive for autonomy. These are valuable qualities, but if we forget to temper them with cooperation, collaboration, gentleness, and acceptance of our vulnerabilities, we suffer from stress, anxiety, and sometimes loneliness. I am hoping that through my yoga practice I will be able to access the wisdom of my body, which already knows how to surrender and accept support. I hope this wisdom will spill over into all areas of my life. Accepting support is not only about allowing other people to help us and give to us, but also about recognizing that life, nature, and our deepest selves are always supporting us. You know those moments in the water when you just really let go and allow yourself to float, just really surrender to the ocean and float? It feels so good, to be so fully supported, by something so deep and vast and powerful. I'm starting to see that life can hold more of those moments. Cultivating those moments begins with allowing support. So my intention this moon is to allow myself to accept, receive, ask for and recognize support.
Please share your own New Moon intentions here in the comments; join the moon magic! I would be honoured to have you here in the circle.
What is it that wants to grow in your life over the next month? Where do you need the energy of increase in your life? This New Moon, my keyword is support. A change that I want to invite into my life this month is allowing myself to accept, receive, ask for and recognize support. This Fall I am embarking on a study of Restorative Yoga; eventually I want to integrate this powerful and healing practice into my teaching of dance & creativity. For now I am taking classes and studying. In Restorative Yoga, all poses are supported - literally supported by props, so the body can relax and surrender. This morning in class I had a wonderful AHA moment - about how perfect it is that I should be drawn to this discipline just now in my life - because what I need most is to learn to surrender to the support that is around me. I believe many of us struggle in this way - we value our independence, we cultivate strength, we strive for autonomy. These are valuable qualities, but if we forget to temper them with cooperation, collaboration, gentleness, and acceptance of our vulnerabilities, we suffer from stress, anxiety, and sometimes loneliness. I am hoping that through my yoga practice I will be able to access the wisdom of my body, which already knows how to surrender and accept support. I hope this wisdom will spill over into all areas of my life. Accepting support is not only about allowing other people to help us and give to us, but also about recognizing that life, nature, and our deepest selves are always supporting us. You know those moments in the water when you just really let go and allow yourself to float, just really surrender to the ocean and float? It feels so good, to be so fully supported, by something so deep and vast and powerful. I'm starting to see that life can hold more of those moments. Cultivating those moments begins with allowing support. So my intention this moon is to allow myself to accept, receive, ask for and recognize support.
Please share your own New Moon intentions here in the comments; join the moon magic! I would be honoured to have you here in the circle.

How beautiful! It seems that the mew moon comes and goes and I remain static. Same wishes, same dreams, not much activity. I will say that I would like my main priority to be restored health. My sense of well being will improve, and this way I can continue to do for others what needs to be.
tyou for making me more aware of the moon cycles. i love your blog. you and jamie ridler keep me on my moon toes.
My new moon intention is best summed up by the word: Stretch. I have retreated to my comfort zone of CG,BW and I but starting this new moon I will STRETCH to that end I have signed CG and I up for swimming lessons.
My new moon intention is new seeds, for moving forward regarding home and community. I meditated on being in a community that is sustainable and shares.
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